Your mobile phone is now your office phone, and beyond. Cloud PBX seamlessly integrates with the Dimension4 mobile app for voice, video calling, conferencing, IM and collaborative capabilities. These features are easy to use and always within reach.
Download the Cloud PBX Datasheet
Voice, web, email, chat and social channels in a unified cloud contact center environment that improves agent productivity and customer experience.
Predictive analytics that dynamically matches customers and agents using the agent, customer, and interaction history data to optimize resolutions
A unified environment to run all contact center operations within Salesforce to improve agent, supervisor and administrator productivity.
Centrally routes omni-channel customer interactions to distributed on-premise and cloud systems for a graceful migration to a cloud contact center.
Download “10 Hidden Costs of a Premises-Based PBX” eGuide” eBook
High-quality phone service in the cloud. See it in action!